In the new age of healthcare, the medications you take should be personalized just for you. More than 85% of patients have significant genetic variations that change the metabolism of the majority of medications. That means that patients are either receiving too high of a dose of a medication which potentially leads to side effects and adverse reactions, or too weak of a dose to treat the underlying condition. Pharmacogenetics profiling has been proven to reduce hospitalizations from 40-70% in many populations and also to save money in the long term.

To schedule a free consultation

By phone, call MEDIOAK pharmacy at 281-980-9979

This service is more of a collaborative practice to help implement PGX in with your current service model and provide better value to your patients.  By applying PGX in your practice, it will help with better patients’ adherence, better outcomes, decrease in trials and errors, decrease overall healthcare costs, and drastically decrease unpleasant adverse effects to medications.

Included In OUR Services